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tv   New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul  CNN  February 13, 2021 4:00am-5:00am PST

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afternoon, we could know if former president donald trump will be found guilty, will be convicted of inciting the january 6th insurrection on capitol hill. as i said, the trial will reconvene in the next few hours. just the final steps of this process. >> yeah, house managers could still ask for witnesses. it doesn't seem likely at this point, but we do know today's proceedings will include closing arguments and the final vote, obviously, as victor said on acquittal or conviction. the president's team did lay out a short rebuttal. the defense said the rhetoric did not cite the riot. and tried comparing it to democrats. >> the key question, the defense left unanswered, what if anything, did then president do to respond to the riot, especially considering that his own vice president was in danger? we have new reporting on that. but let's start with some of the key arguments from yesterday. >> the reality is mr. trump was
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not in any way, shape or form, instructing these people to fight or to use physical violence. >> the house managers assert that the january 6th attack was predictable and it was foreseeable. if still, why did it appear that law enforcement at the capitol were caught off guard? >> holy cow. that is a really good question. and had the house managers done their investigate, maybe somebody would have an answer to that. but they didn't. they did zero investigation. they did nothing, they looked into nothing. but jiminy crickets there is no due process in this proceeding at all. >> my counsel said before this is the worst experience in washington, for that i guess
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we're sorry but then you should have been here on january 6th. >> rather than yelling at us and screaming about how we we didn't have time to get all of the facts what about your client did, bring your client up here and have him testify under oath about why he was sending out tweets denouncing the vice president of the united states while the vice president of the united states was being hunted down by a mob is that wanted to hang him and was chanting in this building "hang mike pence, hang mike pence, traitor, traitor, traitor." >> cnn's lauren fox is on capitol hill. lauren, what should we expect to see this morning and this afternoon? >> reporter: well, kicking off this morning around 10:00 a.m., victor, you're going to begin to see a potential debate on witnesses although senators could skip that if the house managers don't want to see any witnesses which the expectation right now that is where we are headed. they're going to skip that debate altogether. then you could see potentially
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two hours of debate over whether or not they should admit new evidence. again, we expect that can also be skipped over. that gets into the final four hours of these arguments in closing, that senators are going to be hearing from both the house managers and trump's defense team. and really the job here is just do no harm for trump's defense team. look, it doesn't look as if there are going to be 17 republican senators willing to convict trump. in fact, we're looking at between five or six senators who might even be thinking about it. those are the senators who decided that it was constitutional to move ahead with this process. those were the only republicans who thought this process was constitutional because you were dealing with someone who is no longer in office. so the biggest question today is really how will those six republicans vote. i have my eyes specifically on senator bill cassidy, a republican from louisiana, who just a couple weeks ago was arguing this process wasn't constitutional. but his mind was changed by the
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arguments that he heard from the house managers and the lack of argument he thought he heard from trump's defense team. so, yesterday he asked a key question about the time line. what did trump know when about his vice president mike pence. he said he did not get a clear answer from trump's defense team and that that was problematic. i think that he is one of those members to keep your eye on today but this just all goes to show this has been a very fast-moving process. we could get that vote on conviction as early as this afternoon or this evening. after all of this, you may expect to see senators giving speeches on the floor. we should note they have a recess week next week that has really helped to accelerate all of this. lawmakers feel the draw, they want to get back to their districts, they're safe. and that is factoring into the fact that this is moving very quickly. that, of course, and the fact that no one sees any ending to
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this except trump being acquitted at the moment given the fact we just don't see those 17 republicans willing to vote to convict. >> lauren fox for us on capitol hill. thanks so much. let's hear from legal minds, cnn legal analyst ben be ginnsberger. and toluse olorunnipa and eugene daniels, co-author of politico's book. thank you for being here, ben, i want to ask you about the concern for the vice president and what president trump did or did not know. we doll know this morning, based on new reporting that house republican leader kevin mccarthy had a phone call with the president, during the insurrection, asking him to call off his people -- well, his people, to call off the rioters. and the president responded saying, obviously, the rioters cared more about the election results than he did.
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meaning mccarthy. and then also this reporting from senator tommy tuberville who says he did speak with the president, during the insurrection. he did tell the president that the vice president had just been rushed out and was in danger. how imperative is it, do you think, if it changed the mind of bill cassidy, that perhaps it could change the minds of others going into today when it comes to specifically, ben, the safety of the vice president and how this former president reacted to that? >> well, as lauren's reporting showed, they're not going to win impeachment of the president without some dramatic new evidence. and this is the dramatic new evidence. what was put in the record yesterday, obviously, not enough to change the minds of republican senators, so, witnesses attesting to donald
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trump fomenting the revolution at that point, or not doing anything to stop the violence of the mob, which even if they weren't his people, necessarily, they were wearing trump-branded gear. and without calling witnesses about that, then the president is going to be acquitted. >> eugene, one of the things that's so striking about this impeachment is that the essential jury and the judges are also the witnesses in the case. we're talking about the senators that experienced all of it, we're expecting an acquittal as we said. but what do you think is the gain for democrats at this point? has it changed from the gain at the beginning when we expected the same thing, an acquittal? >> i think something that the house impeachment managers really want to show, they went into this knowing that they probably weren't going to convince, like you say, those 17 gop senators to jump on their
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side. but i think they really wanted to show that they believe and that they felt like all of the evidence showed that president trump didn't do anything to help the people that were the victims of this insurrection. that the months and honestly years of him kind of fomenting this big lie, this idea that every time that something didn't go his way, i mean, it was stolen from him. more importantly stolen from his supporters. and i think they've done that, right? they have laid out very clearly to these gop senators to the democratic senators to the american people that that is what's happened. so, it's not just about this impeachment trial, it's also about what happens next. like is there any kind of c censure, and not allowing president trump to run for federal office, but also whether or not president trump can get
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enough support after showing all of these things to run in 2024? so that calculation and those gains have changed a little bit because they showed us in some of the never-before-seen videos how close it got to being even worse, right? we saw senator mitt romney and senator chuck schumer being this close to coming in contact with that mob. >> it showed them, they've been through it, more importantly, it showed the public some things we have not seen before, obviously. so, toluse, when you look at the big picture here, at the end of the day, what does the republican party look like? after all of this. >> it continues to be trump's party, apparently, especially when you're looking at the vast majority of republicans, the overwhelming majority of republicans likely to vote to acquit. in addition to being the judges and the jury, the senators in
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this case are in some ways politically linked to the defendant. half of the jury, the fifth-year republicans see their fortunes tied to whether or not they're in lockstep with president trump. they are realizing if they vote to convict former president trump they could be the victim of a primary. he's threatened to primary many of these members and they could see their political careers ended because of this vote. this continues to be the party of trump. a small minority that wants to set out on a new course and redefine the party in a post-trump era. based on what we're seeing, based on the comments from some of these republican saying they don't have any problem with what the president did, the republican party continues to be very much in trump's camp. we do expect some of these republicans even as they vote to acquit to speak out against what the president said, against his incitement, say it was
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appropriate, not presidential, but not impeachable so we do expect to see some distance between themselves. they don't want to be seen as the party of qanon or the party of insurrection, but they are still very much the party of tru trump. and i think the vote to cast will show they're still in lockstep with the president. >> ben, you said, the way the defense structured its case that will not allow president trump, or former president trump, to say he was exonerated. how what can they say at the end of this? >> that he was acquitted. it was very interesting listening to the trump's defense in the sense there was no attempt to rehabilitate the president's image. and he's going to be left at the end of his presidency with the ransacking of the capitol. again, they may not be able to prove that he instigated it, but
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the predominant sign that people were wearing in that march was trump. so that is a trump legacy from the march. and that has an effect not only, i think, over the long term, what his role is with the republican party, but how the republican party sees itself. it's now in a circular firing squad, basically, and is going to stay that way until there are 2022 elections. it's not clear after this how badly the trump brand has been hurt. especially because his lawyers made no attempt yesterday to talk about what a great guy he was. >> ben ginsberg, toluse olorunnipa, eugene daniels, we appreciate your voices. thank you all so much. all right. coming up, one of the former president's attorneys yesterday, there was a really personal moment where he said a criticism of his strategy was threatening
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his family's financial security. so, we'll have the details of that criticism. and i'll speak with one of the men who made it. also, it's one of president biden's top priorities, getting kids back to school. what the cdc says now needs to happen for all classrooms to safely reopen. (sam) gamers! he who is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. take fuzzywuzzy28. blamin' losses on a laggy network. only one or two. verizon 5g ultra wideband is here,
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i just discovered sofi, and i'm an investor with a diversified portfolio. who am i?! i refinanced my student loans with sofi because of their low interest rates. thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. ♪ a final vote in the second impeachment trial of donald trump could come as soon as this afternoon. ahead of that, we'll hear closing arguments from both sides. and once again, the former president's legal team will make the case that his actions ahead of the capitol riot are protected by the first amendment. but more than 140 prominent lawyers and constitutional scholars say that is not true. they signed a letter calling that argument legally frivolous. and a member of former president trump's legal team blasted that letter during the trial yesterday. watch.
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>> the house managers have made several references to this letter, signed by 140 partisan law professors, calling mr. trump's first amendment defense legally frivolous. this is really an outrageous attempt to intimidate mr. trump's lawyers. whenever a lawyer advances a truly frivolous argument, that may violate professional, ethical rules and could be subject to discipline. this letter is a direct threat to my law license, my career, and my family's financial well-being. these law professors should be ashamed of themselves. and so should the house managers. >> what we with us this morning, one of the signatores of that letter. richard primeis, law professor
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at the university of michigan law school. professor, thank you for the time. i want to go through the points of this letter. i have it here with me. as i said, more than 140 signatures here. before we go through those legal and constitutional points, what's your reaction to the personal nature in which mr. van der veen responded to what you signed on to? >> it's totally inappropriate and deeply raw. first, he characterizes the 140 of us who signed the letter as deeply partisan. i'm not sure what he means by that. the signatories include a bunch of democrats, a bunch of republicans, a bunch of people affiliated with neither party. they include the founders society, and a former solicitor general for president reagan. so, i don't really understand what he means when he says it's a partisan letter. and when he says it's an attack
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on him because we call the argument frivolous. the problem is the argument is frivolous. it's an easy question whether it's frivolous. it completely is. and if you stand up and make a frivolous argument, you don't get to point to the person who points out that it's a frivolous argument and say you're behaving badly. the person who shouldn't have done what he did is the person who makes the frivolous argument. >> let's go through the argument because there are three major points here on the first amendment. and first, it's that it does not apply in impeachment proceedings so it cannot provide a defense for president trump. under that, you make it clear that this is not a unanimous point. that many of you believe that the first assessment simply does not apply. on which side of the line are you here? does it apply here? >> so, it clearly does not apply in an impeachment proceeding in the way that it expresses
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political ideas. this is really easy to see. so, think of it this way, suppose you or i were to stand up and say, you know, i don't think the constitution is so great. the first amendment has stopped us from saying that and under the first amendment, the government can't punish for saying that. but if the president of the united states who is sworn to oath to protect the constitution and stands up i've decided the constitution isn't so great and i don't want to protect it anymore, that person can't be president anymore because he's violated his oath. now, he can't be jailed for speaking up, the first amendment protects him from that. but he can't hold that job. the same thing if the president said i don't believe in elections and i'm not going to leave office even in the election goes against me. a private person can't be punished, certainly not jailed for expressing the view we should have a king instead of a
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president. but if a president has that view and articulates in public and is acting on it, that person's got to go. and that's not really difficult as a legal proposition. >> so, you got through the first point. the primary and secondary point. let me get to the tertiary point about constituting unprotected incitement. there was, discussion, appropriately, of the brandenburg standard, brandenburg v. ohio, case in the 1960s. supreme court set the standard for speech that incites violence that it must be directed to inciting imminent lawlessness action and likely to produce such action. i want you to listen to another member of the president's team on that standard. let's take a listen. >> the third element under the brandenburg test is the imminent use of violence. imminent use of violence, in other words, right then. the imminent use of violence of
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lawless action must be the likely result of the speech. the likely result of the speech. well, that argument is completely eviscerated by the fact that the violence was preplanned by the fbi, department of justice and even the house managers, not the result of the speech at all. >> what's your take? >> well, there are a few things wrong with that argument. the first is, it's very strange to say a bunch of people were planning to be violent and my guy can't be responsible for the violence they committed, even if my guy egged them on. no, if your guy egged them on, then he does bear some responsibility. we're not saying i don't think anyone in this trial is saying that president trump is the only person who's responsible for the violence at the capitol. there's a lot of blame to go around. but he clearly is one of the people who is responsible for
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it. and the larger legal point is that, the brandenburg test is a test that applies when the government prosecutes criminally, a private person, for a speech that might have a tendency to encourage or incite violence. the senate of the united states in an impeachment trial is not bound by the brandenburg test. it's not a test that the court has articulated for impeachments. in fact, the court has said it doesn't articulate tests for impeachments. that's the united states versus nixon case. in the senate, where the issues are very different, the tests are what the senators think is the right common sense judgment about whether a person acted in a way incompatible with the office. and it seems pretty clear that the president acted in ways that are incompatible with his office. in this case. >> professor richard primus of
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the university of michigan law school. thank you for your timing. as soon as i heard the criticism of the letter, i wanted you to come on and have an opportunity to defend it, and that, you did. thank you so much. >> happy to do it. >> be sure to watch cnn's impeachment coverage that resumes today at 9:00 eastern. christi. still more details emerging about the accusations of norm governor andrew cuomo covering up thousands of deaths in nursing homes, what a top aide is saying that fuels it. and the cdc saying that schools can get children back into schools, children back into classrooms and whether that means that teachers should be vaccinated. y everyone, welcome to wayne's world. party on, wayne. party on, garth. as a local access show, we want everyone to support local restaurants. but, we'd never manipulate you like the way all these other commercials do. sh-yeah, that's really sad.
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the centers for disease control and prevention has released new guidance for reopening schools safely.
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>> the guidelines are mask wearing, handwashing, social distancing as we know. the agency did not however include vaccines and testing among the key strategies instead it says those are additional layers of covid-19 protection. the new recommendations come as states and school districts debate whether to prioritize teachers for vaccinations. the cdc says vaccinating teachers is important but not a prerequisite. dr. batina bassette an emergency medicine physician here with us now. so good to have you here with us, doctor. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> of course. i wanted to ask you about some of the latest guidance on the cdc. at one point at which they say if you have been vaccinated, fully vaccinated, you don't need to quarantine if you have a potential exposure, fully vaccinated i'm assuming being the operative word there. but are you comfortable with that line of guide against.
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>> well, a little bit of feedback on that guidance. there are criteria that you have to meet in order to not quarantine and fully vaccinated. fully vaccinated is the operative word. that means not only have you had both doses of your vaccine, but it's been at least two weeks since your last dose of the vaccine. then the cdc says if it's been more than three months since you've been vaccinated, you may still have to quarantine because they're not sure how long immunity will last. of course, if you have any symptoms of covid-19, you don't fit the profile and you should quarantine. the reason they've changed the guidelines, it has been shown that people who are fully vaccinated are at less risk of getting the disease. allows them to continue to work and continue to be in society, as eposed to quarantining. >> now, there are new variants that are expected to be dominant by next month. does that modify, do you think,
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any of this guidance we're hearing now when it comes to vaccinations? >> i don't think it modifies the guidance just yet. vaccines are still going to work. we're not sure how well they're going to work against these new variants but early research is favorable and it does show there are neutralizing properties produced if you're vaccinated. i like to use israel as an example because they've vaccinated a large proportion of their population. and despite the uk variant being dominant in israel, they're still having a decrease until case load and a decrease in hospitalizations. which is the current real world examples that these vaccines do work. >> what is your take on the vaccines that are being distributed, a million of them to different pharmacies? is that a game ch-changer in sh in arms? >> it could potentially be. more of a game-changer not where the vaccines are given but which
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communities the vaccines are given. we've seen in a lot of places that vaccine distributions are going to major names, cvs, wall greens, public pharmacies. but in rural communities these large chains may not be available so we have to make sure that we're tapping into the small local pharmacies, the mom and pop shops that may be more accessible to people in the communities. >> so, we hear this morning that astrazeneca is testing children as young as 6 for their vaccine. this is in the uk right now. do you see -- do you foresee vaccinations for young children? for covid? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. we've proved that vaccinations are safe in adults. and it's the next logical step that we start vaccinating children. although children don't typically get as sick as adults do from covid and the death rates are much, much lower, children are still getting covid-19. to date, there have been about 3 million cases of children with
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covid and that's almost 13% of our covid cases so we definitely need to make sure we include them in the vaccination groups. >> good point to make. the most asked question i get from people when they're talking about this is, how long will it be, before we can stop wearing masks? and before we can stop social distancing? what do you think has to happen? publicly, in this realm, for us to move into what we knew as life before covid? >> that's such a difficult question. so, i think in order for us to get back to where we were maybe in january 2020, it's really going to take us achieving that herd immunity marker. and that's not going to happen until we get at least 75% of the population vaccinated. the good news is, in the last month, we've ramped up vaccinations so much that we're now giving our average 6 million vaccines per day.
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so current estimates it will only take another eight months if we're continuing on the same trajectory to vaccinate 75% of the population. that being said, although it may take eight months for kind of get back to life as we know it, i do think that we will see a substantial decrease in covid cases and in covid hospitalizations, once we reach a much lower threshold, potentially 40% to 50% of the population being vaccinated. >> all right. there are people who argue we will never go fully back to normal maybe some of us have changed priorities about things as well. dr. bicette, so good to have you with us. thank you for taking the time. >> thank you tour hav for havin. new york governor andrew cuomo is facing criticism that his organization undercounted thousands of deaths at the height of the pandemic. now the governor's top aide adding to this controversy. she explained why they delayed
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the release. athena jones has the story. >> gravity of this cover-up cannot be overstated. >> reporter: new york governor andrew cuomo is under fire after his top aide admitted to withholding data for months that reveal thousands more of confirmed and presumed deaths of long term care residents than previously disclosed. according to a private video call, melissa derosa who often appeared with the governor, told government state lawmakers basically we froze because we weren't sure what we give to the department of justice what we give to you guys what we start saying was going to be used against us. cuomo arguing at the time that the threat of inquiry from the trump administration was politically motivated. >> they have played politics from day one. >> reporter: the new york post first reported the story citing a recording of the call. state lawmakers from both parties slamming derosa's
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admission. 14 democratic senators saying in a statement cuomo should be stripped of his powers, alexandra biaggi tweeted you're only sorry you got caught. state republicans echoing calls and going further. >> the cuomo administration purposely lied and withheld evidence and information to avoid prosecution. andrew cuomo must be prosecuted. and andrew cuomo must be impeached if this evidence exists. >> reporter: residents of long-term care facilities have accounted for a significant percentage of covid deaths in many states. in new york, some 15,000 residents in facilities like nursing homes died according to the department of health. about a third of all covid deaths statewide. >> the covid crisis in new york's nursing homes was a preventible crisis. >> reporter: the death toll was revealed after the new york attorney general and cuomo ally letitia james issued a scathing report accusing underlying the deaths in facilities by 50% by
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only publicly recording those who died onsite. not residents who died in hospitals or died elsewhere. the deaths were counted in the state's overall death toll. >> whether a person died in a hospital or died in a nursing home, it's -- the people died. i wish none of it happened. i wish there was no covid. i wish no old people died. >> reporter: the associated press reporting more than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in new york were transferred to nursing homes from hospitals early in the pandemic. including more than 6300 previously disclosed admissions directly from hospitals and more than 2700 readmissions of patients sent back to hospitals from nursing homes. cuomo has faced criticism over a health advisory that required nursing homes to admit and readmit patients with covid,
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something critics say may have further fueled the outbreak in those facilities. cuomo said the policy was in line with guidance. the cuomo administration has pushed back. mark zucker arguing 90% of nursing homes had covid cases before admitting a patient to eye ahospital and that the major driver of infections appears to be from asymptomatic staff. the controversial director was scrapped in may. and the latest controversy comes after governor andrew cuomo was praised about the handling of the pandemic. he even wrote a best-seller about the pandemic. the daily briefings became an emmy founders award for inform and calm the public. some people were even talking about how he should run for president. well, now, he faces a real crisis. athena jones, cnn, new york.
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up next, president biden's agenda. we're live in washington with details on the strategy the president will move to push ahead beyond the impeachment.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ talk to your doctor hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ president biden is spending the weekend at camp david, and yesterday, he spoke with our jeremy diamond about former trump's impeachment trial and said he has no plans to speak with any senators how they're going to vote. >> jeremy diamond joins us now
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from the white house. so, the president does not speak much about the impeachment trial. what else did he say to you? >> reporter: well, look, it was interesting. first of all, president biden was making this impromptu stop to the north lawn to visit the candy hearts set up behind me by the first lady. and i was able to speak with him for a few minutes as he was walking back to the white house. he made clear to me while the impeachment trial has not been his focus over the last week, he is anxious to see how senate republicans will react. listen. >> i'm just anxious to see what the republican senators will do, if they stand up. >> reporter: and that question of whether they stand up was notable there, because the president and his press secretary have declined to say, so far, whether president biden believes that former president trump should be convicted in this impeachment trial. but clearly, this notion of standing up in the trial. standing up to the former president, standing up to their oath to the constitution clearly
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that president biden would like to see or believes that former president trump should be convicted. as i said, most of president biden's attention over the last week and coming week has been focused not only on the impeachment trial but on this $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package he's trying to get through congress. yesterday, we saw the president sitting down with a bipartisan group of mayors and governors who support his $1.9 trillion package. all the of whom stress the need for relief. which will also go towards additional funding for testing and vaccine distribution. in the coming week you'll see more from the current president talking about that package as the house democrats go forward with actually writing the bill into law. the president is expected to participate in a cnn town hall in the state of wisconsin. the first time we'll see him go to the country to pitch this coronavirus relief package. >> i want to ask you about the white house suspending a press
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aide for threatening a reporter. what are you hearing from the white house? >> reporter: that's right. the white house press secretary t.j. ducklo allegedly threatened a reporter who was writing a story about a relationship that t.j. was having with a separate reporter from axios. and t.j., according to this report in "vanity fair" which cnn has since confirmed threatens to, quote, destroy her if she published it and made misogynistic comments. the white house has suspended t.j. without pay for a week. >> t.j. ducklo, the deputy you're asking about has apologized to the reporter. apologized to the reporter quite shortly after the comments were made. he had a heated conversation about a story related to his personal life. i'm not saying that's acceptable but i want to be clear it is is not about an issue related to the white house or white house policy or anything along those lines. he's the first to acknowledge this is not the standard of
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behavior set out by the president, nor is it the standard of behavior set by me, and i'm his direct supervisor. >> reporter: and president biden had made clear that he would actually fire anybody -- any white house official who was disrespectful towards a colleague or towards anybody else. clearly, the white house stopped short of this, but the white house insisting they sent a strong signal by suspending him without pay for a week, christi, victor. >> jeremy diamond at the white house. thank you. we have something on tuesday, jeremy mentioned it, president biden will join anderson cooper live from milwaukee, tuesday, 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. e today we're going to fine tune the dynamic braking system whoo, what a ride! i invested in invesco qqq a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100 like you you don't have to be a deep learning engineer to help make the world a smarter place
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award winning actor and best selling cookbook author stanley tucci is coming to cnn. and he is taking us along for a
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journey. >> brooke baldwin has a look at his career and family ties to his beloved italy. >> reporter: i'm traveling to discover how the food in each of the country's 120 regions is as unique as the people and their past. good italian food has been a constant. >> my mom was an incredible cook. is an incredible cook. >> reporter: born in new york to italian american parents, he spent a year growing up in flo florence. and when he first became an actor, he was often cast as a mobster. but his career blossomed, appearing in more than 100 films and tv shows. tucci has filled his roles with
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humor. >> you look like a strip he were. >> high end stripper. >> reporter: drama. >> no adults allowed. >> reporter: and big budget action. >> they're here. >> is this a turning point in your career? >> could be. >> reporter: his directorial debut, 1996's big night, starred tucci and food. two italian american brothers struggle running a restaurant while cooking family recipes. in it is a secret recipe. >> reporter: not much has changed. >> i'm on the hunt for the p perfect dish that i'm obsessed with. >> reporter: food is an important part of many of tucci's films. he played julia child's husband in 2009. >> what is it that you really like to do? >> eat.
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>> reporter: the same year tucci's real wife kate died from breast cancer. >> all right, everyone, gird your loins. r . >> reporter: but he found love again when emily blunt introduced him to her sister, felicity. >> this is where we met. >> reporter: the two share a love of cooking and cookbooks have resulted along with some viral quarantine cocktails. >> what are you going to make me? >> reporter: family, friends and food. a theme of tucci's 4r6life and new show. brooke baldwin, cnn, new york. >> love that he remembers the film crew. be sure to stay with cnn throughout the day, we have several coverage for you of the second trump impeachment trial beginning at 9:00 a.m. >> smerconish is up after a break.
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what did trump know and when did he know it? i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. the single article of impeachment against former president trump accuses him of, quote, inciting violence against the government of the united states. now, in that article, there is brief discussion of trump's conduct before january 6. his w speech he deliver that had day. so the question is whether he committed treason, bribery


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